Architecture of the Portal Manager

Technical Components

The Portal Manager is a standard servlet application which is deployed into a servlet container (such as Trifork Application Server). It consists of filters, servlets, and beans plus a few supporting components.


Filters analyze and modify incoming requests. They are organized in a so-called filter chain. Before a request is answered, it is processed by all or a subset of the filters in a defined order. On its way back to the user, the filters are applied once more, in the reverse order. The filters may add information to the request and the response, modify both or even block them. Depending on the required functionality, filters can be exchanged, removed or added. The most important filters supplied with the Portal Manager are:

  • NTLMFilter
  • AuthenticationFilter
  • PortletFilter
  • ContentFilter
  • PermissionFilter


The task of servlets is to deliver content. In the Portal Manager, a servlet for delivering static (binary) and dynamic data exists, the ContentServlet.

As is common with Java web applications, the filters and servlets are configured by means of the web.xml file.


Beans are exchangable modules that provide particular functions to filters and servlets. They are defined and configured by means of the pm.xml file. Important beans are, for example, the userManager, portletContainer, documentManager, and permissionManager beans.

Portal Manager and HTTP Server

In principle, every servlet container also is a web server. Nevertheless, it is currently recommendable to let an HTTP server work as a web server in front of the Trifork server. Because of its popularity and stability we recommend to use Apache HTTP Server. The reasons to use an HTTP server are as follows:

  • The option exists to use priviledged ports such as 80 or 443 without having to start the webserver as a superuser. Currently, this is only supported by an HTTP server.
  • To be able to continue to use existing log file analyzers, log files in the commons-logging format as produced by Apache HTTP Server are required. At present, Trifork Application Server cannot generate log files in this format. From version 6.5, CMS Fiona provides a corresponding logging filter.
  • Apache HTTP Server encrypts HTTPS pages very fast.

Sometimes, other reasons for placing an HTTP server in front of the Trifork server exist:

  • Via the HTTP server, additional authentication mechanisms can be used to set the RemoteUser which can then be evaluated by the Portal Manager.
  • Other modules such as URL rewriting, response compression, bandwidth restriction and the like can be used in conjunction with the Portal Manager.

Response Process

In the following, assuming the configuration specified above (Apache, Trifork, Portal Manager), the process of responding to a typical request is explained. The file requested is an HTML file containing a portlet.

The diagram above illustrates the process for JSPs as well as for binary content.

  • Via a browser, a website visitor sends an HTTP request to port 80 of the webserver.
  • An Apache webserver accepts the request and redirects it via mod_jk to the Trifork server.
  • The Trifork server calls the following filters one after the other for the request:
    • Identification via NTLMFilter, for example. This filter determines the identity of the visitor and sets the RemoteUser.
    • The AuthenticationFilter queries the ADS for the RemoteUser and creates a user object.
    • The PortletFilter checks whether the incoming request is a portlet request. If so, the filter redirects the request to the portlet container.
    • The PermissionFilter checks whether access restrictions exist for the requested file. If so, it checks whether the file may be given to the user and ends the processing of the request if this is not the case.
  • With the help of the configuration in the web.xml file, the Trifork determines that the ContentServlet is responsible for handling the request.
    • The ContentServlet requests the file from the DocumentManager.
    • In live mode (as opposed to preview mode), the DocumentManager fetches the file via the FileDocumentSource from the online directory tree, which was created by the Template Engine.
    • The ContentServlet determines the MIME type of the document and delivers the content either as static or dynamic content, depending on the MIME type.
    • The HTML file will be delivered dynamic by processing the document as a Velocity template.
    • The Velocity engine recognizes a command embedding a portlet and passes the request to the PortletContainer.
    • The PortletContainer sends a render request to the specified portlet and returns the HTML code it receives as a response to its request.
    • The ContentServlet delivers the assembled page.
  • All filters, in reverse order, are now given the opportunity to modify the outgoing response. The AuthenticationFilter uses it and adds a cookie for faster authentication at the next request.