Concept Operators

Concept operators combine the meaning of search elements to identify a concept in a document. Documents retrieved using concept operators are relevance-ranked. The following table describes each concept operator:

Operator name  Description
ACCRUE Selects documents that include at least one of the search elements you specify. The more search elements are present, the higher the score will be.
ALL Selects documents that contain all of the search elements you specify. A score of 100 is assigned to each retrieved document. ALL and AND are similar and they retrieve the same results. Queries using ALL are not relevance-ranked (all retrieval results are assigned a score of 100).
AND Selects documents that contain all of the search elements you specify. A score is calculated for each retrieved document. AND and ALL are similar and they retrieve the same results. Queries using AND are relevance-ranked (retrieved documents are assigned a score between 0 and 100).
ANY Selects documents that contain at least one of the search elements you specify. A score of 100 is assigned to each retrieved document. ANY and OR are similar and they retrieve the same results. Queries using ANY are not relevance-ranked (all retrieval results are assigned a score of 100).
OR Selects documents that contain at least one of the search elements you specify. A score is calculated for each retrieved document. OR and ANY are similar and they retrieve the same results. Queries using OR are relevance-ranked (retrieval documents are assigned a score between 0 and 100).
TOPIC Selects documents that contain at least one of the search elements you specify, covered by the specified topic. A score is calculated for each retrieved document. How topics work and how they can be configured is described in the Verity documentation which is available as an option.