Configuring the HTML-Editor

Adapting XHTML Validation

The HTML editor Edit-On-Pro (EOP) included in CMS Fiona only processes valid XHTML. When loading and saving and when switching from the HTML source view to the WYSIWYG view the editor checks whether the document conforms to XHTML. For this, it validates the document against an extended XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD that can be found in the file instance/instanceName/webapps/GUI/NPS/eop4/eopro/xhtml1-transitional-eop.dtd located in the installation directory. Up to version 6.0.x the path is instance/instanceName/webapps/GUI/eop4/.

Custom extensions to the DTD, such as individual elements and attributes can be added to the file instance/default/webapps/GUI/NPS/eop4/eopro/eopcustomelements.dtd. If the document does not conform to the extended DTD, the EOP tries to automatically repair it using Tidy. In this process called clean-up all elements and attributes not conforming to the DTD are removed. The clean-up process can be configured via the cleanupprocess entry in the file instance/default/webapps/GUI/NPS/eop4/config.xml. An in-depth description of the EOP can be found in the EOP integration manual in the file instance/default/webapps/GUI/NPS/eop4/doc/pdf/eop4integrationmanual.pdf.

In the configuration file of the EOP custom tags such as <npsobj> can be defined. Tidy treats these tags like valid tags. You can define such tags by means of the following entry:

  <customtag name="npsobj" alwaysshow="true"></customtag>

Furthermore, in the config.xml file an individual configuration file can be specified for Tidy with which extended options can be configured. If a clean-up processor other than Tidy is to be used, you can specify here other classes for repairing documents.

You can switch off Tidy in the configuration file (cleanupprocess ). However, if this is done, files not conforming to XHTML can no longer be loaded.

Integrating Dictionaries for Spelling-Checking

In the spelling-checking dialog of the HTML Editor, the list of the configured dictionaries, for example for different languages, is offered to the user. You can adapt this list to your own needs by editing the file instance/default/webapps/GUI/NPS/eop4/config.xml. For each dictionary a spellingchecker entry in the spellingcheckers section exists. This entry references a dictionary file in the directory instance/default/webapps/GUI/NPS/eop4/eopro/.