content contentRef description

Available for: Content Management Server

Task: Returns a string representation of the data of the version with the specified ID.

Additional information: The representation is formatted in the property list format of a dictionary.


content contentRef description

Function parameters: none

Return value if successful: the string representation of the version (string)

Necessary permissions: The user must have the permissionRead permission for the file the version belongs to.

Example: (see below for a sample output)

CM>content withId 25687 description

Example using the corresponding obj command:

CM>obj withPath /news editedContent description
  contentType = html;
  editor = katrin;
  sortKeyLength1 = 50;
  sortKeyLength2 = 50;
  sortKeyLength3 = 50;
  sortOrder = ascending;
  sortType1 = alphaNumeric;
  sortType2 = alphaNumeric;
  sortType3 = alphaNumeric;
  title = untitled;
  validFrom = 20101216230000;