Details View

Every time you click a contact person in one of the OMC views, the contact person’s details view is opened. This view enables you to not only access the person’s details but also other data associated with the person such as the account to wich she belongs, her actions, etc.:

Contactperson details view

In the upper part of this view, vertically arranged tabs can be found by means of which you can access the context of the currently displayed content. In the example below, there is one context available, the account to which the person belongs. Further contexts could be available, e.g. the parent company as a superordinate account.

Context links (stack)

As with other details views, there is a button bar above the main information section of the person displayed. Using these buttons, the following actions can be performed:

  • Edit: Opens a page on which the contact person data can be modified.

  • Delete: Removes the person from all results lists. The contact person will be deactivated, meaning that it remains in your database. The latter ensures that the complete history of the activities associated with the account concerned is still available. When searching, removed persons will only be displayed if the option Include deactivated was chosen.

  • Edit password: For logging in to your portal, contact persons require a password. The login credentials consist of the person’s user name (by default her e-mail address) as well as a password. Clicking this button opens a form for changing the password.

  • Add to Clipboard / Remove from Clipboard: Performs the named clipboard function.

There are three tabs, Actions, Details, and Collections below the person’s main information.


On the Actions tab the most recent actions of the contact person concerned are displayed, e.g. activities such as inquiries, or e-mails sent to the person in the context of mailings.

The Actions tab has two drop-down menus, New and Show All.

  • New: Here, you can perform an action associated with the person, i.e. create a new activity or a todo.

  • Show All: By means of the items in this menu, you can have the person’s activities of a particular type displayed (e.g. all activities).


On the Details tab, all of the person’s fields to which a value was assigned are displayed, unless a field is already displayed in the main information section of the page. Click Edit to modify the contents of one or more contact person fields.


On the Collections tab, the list of the collections is displayed to which the contact person concerned has been added. Clicking a list item opens the collection.