Global Search

Using the search field at the top of the page, you can quickly search for accounts, persons, activities, and tags. For this, enter your search term into the input field and hit the enter key or click Search. The items found in the categories mentioned above are then displayed on the search results page:

Hits from a global search

Every hit, i.e. list item, can be clicked to open its details view. Click Search in Accounts only or Search in Contacts only to further restrict your search to one of these categories.

Tips for Searching

When using a number as the search term, the OMC assumes that the number is the ID of an activity whose details view you wish to open.

By means of the letters a or c, followed by a space character and a number as the search term, you can directly open the account or contact person, respectively, with that ID.
Example: a 29 opens account 29.