New and Changed Features

Configurable LinkChecker Timeout for URL Requests

For the LinkChecker, a timeout can now be configured. This timeout specifies the maximum amount of time each request may take. The system configuration parameter responsible for this is content.linkChecker.timeout. Its value is interpreted as a number of seconds.

Wizards Are Loaded in Alphabetical Order

The Tcl script share/script/cm/serverCmds/wizards.tcl now loads the wizards of the Fiona instance, located in instance/script/serverCmds/wizards, in alphabetical order. This makes it possible, by naming the files accordingly, to ensure that wizard libraries are loaded prior to the wizards themselves.

Empty link lists for which a minimum number of links has been set no longer cause an error. This behavior was added because link lists are mostly only required to contain the given number of links if they do contain links at all. To force a link list to contain links, make the field mandatory in the file format.

Tcl Command obj…getHierarchy without Limitations in Size

The Tcl command obj objRef getHierarchy is now able to return its result unlimited in size. For this, -1 can be specified as the value of the maxDepth and maxLines parameters.

Time Values in Log Files Include Microseconds

In the log files of the CM, TE, and SES, time stamps now include the microseconds. Example: 2009-09-25 16:41:12.765532.

New Callback Function: importCallback

If the Template Engine is used, the new importCallback function can be utilized to react to the changes that were made to the CMS files. The callback is executed after the import phase.

Rails Project Can Be Easily Adapted to Local Development Environment

To the Rails Connector for CMS Fiona a new configuration feature was added which offers a straightforward way to adapt a Rails application to the local development environment.