npsobj insertvalue meta


npsobj_insertvalue_meta ::=

  <npsobj insertvalue = "meta"
    [ content = "name" ]
    ( name = "varname" ) | ( http-equiv = "varname" )
    [ format = "format_name" ]
    [ formatter = "formatter_name" ]
    [ separator = "separator" ] >


The element is replaced with a meta tag with two attributes:

  • The attribute name or http-equiv with the value varname.
  • The attribute content with a value described in the following.

The value of the content attribute is initially determined exactly as described in npsobj_insertvalue_var; however the value name of the attribute content is used for evaluation, and not the value varname of the attribute name or http-equiv. Finally, reserved HTML characters (e.g. angle brackets) contained in the resulting string are converted to their HTML equivalents.

If name references a list then a separator must be specified. However, separator may be the empty string.

A formatter can only be specified from version 6.7.0. Its function is to format the return value of the NPSOBJ instruction.


<npsobj insertvalue="meta" name="keywords" content="keywordList" separator="" />
<npsobj modifyvar="set" varname="metaValue">text/html; charset="@exportCharset" </npsobj>
<npsobj insertvalue="meta" http-equiv="Content-Type" content="metaValue" />