Other Locations Nearby

After opening a location for which geographical coordinates have been provided, you can search for other locations within a given radius. To do this click the corresponding button:

Location details

The page which is then displayed includes a form for providing additional or other search criteria than the default ones. The hits are displayed below the search form:

Location search result

You can restrict the search using the following criteria. The criteria are combined with and.

  • Query: Only locations containing the entered search term will be listed. Since the letter address of locations in most cases includes the company name, the results list can be restricted to companies with a similar name.

  • Distance: Only locations will be returned whose distance does not not exceed the specified value (in kilometers) from the location currently displayed.

  • Only from Account List: If you have created account collections, you can specify such a collection here to restrict your search to the accounts contained in this collection. With an automatic collection, only those accounts will be found that match the search criteria of the list as well as the location condition (example: major customer within a radius of 100 kilometers).

Click Search Locations to start searching. If your search produces any results, you can click a location in the list to open it and navigate to the account or person to which this location was assigned.