Response Element

For response payloads, the cm-payload root element contains one or more cm-response elements after the cm-header element with which each result of the operations performed by the server is returned.

If a request payload has been completely recognized and processed by the server, each cm-response element in the response payload corresponds to a cm-request element in the request payload. In this case, the cm-response elements contain messages which refer to the contents of the requests (Request Level Message).

If, on the other hand, the Content Management Server receives an invalid request payload (e.g. without a cm-header element or with unrecognizable cm-request elements), it returns a response payload containing only one cm-response element with which the general error is reported. In this case, the cm-response element refers to the payload (Payload Level Message). A cm-response element is constructed as follows.

<!ELEMENT cm-response (cm-code*)>
<!ATTLIST cm-response
  response-id CDATA #REQUIRED
  payload-id CDATA #IMPLIED
  request-id CDATA #IMPLIED
  success ("true" | "false") #REQUIRED

The individual responses to the requests are returned in cm-code elements.

<!ELEMENT cm-code ANY>
<!ATTLIST cm-code

The attributes of the cm-response element have the following meanings:

  • response-id
    Response ID. This ID is set by the creator of the response payload. It must be unique within all payloads that are exchanged in a particular communication context.
  • payload-id
    Request payload ID. It corresponds to the payload-id attribute of the request payload. This attribute is added by the server only when the cm-response element contains a payload level message in the first cm-code element. A client can consequently recognize by the occurrence of this attribute whether its request payload could be interpreted as such by the server (independent of the requests contained in it).
  • request-id
    Request ID. It corresponds to the receiver-id attribute of the cm-request element in the request payload. This attribute is only present when the cm-code element contains a request level message.
  • success
    The value of this attribute is true when the request could be successfully processed. Otherwise, it is false.

Please note that several operations can be performed within a request. In this case, the success attribute contains the logical And of the results of all operations performed. This means, success is only true when all operations were successful.

The results of the operations performed are returned with the aid of cm-code elements within the cm-response element. The cm-code elements contain a success or error message and other XML elements which represent the result of the operation or if necessary error information.

The attributes of the cm-code element have the following meanings:

  • numeric
    Error number (or success message number). The messages corresponding to the numbers are described in section Error handling.
  • phrase
    The description of the error.

The content of the cm-code element depends on the operation indicated in the request. In operations which could not be performed successfully, the content of the cm-code element depends on the error which occurred. The possible contents of the cm-code element are listed for each operation in the XML Reference.