Restoring Data

Caution: Only start the restore process if you have ensured that no write access to the data takes place while restoring. Otherwise the existing or restored data will be incomplete or corrupted. Make sure that the CM is not running as a server and that no other CMs are running or started in single mode while data is being restored.

It is not possible to dump CMS content and other data to an NFS mount, or to restore a CMS dump from an NFS mount (using CM -dump or CM -restore, respectively).

Please observe the following when dumping and restoring mirror files: The dump needs to include the original files of the mirror files, and these originals must be restorable along with their mirror files.

In order to restore the data saved previously, please proceed as follows:

  • Log on to the operating system as CMS administrator. The CMS administrator is the user whose login was specified for this purpose during the installation.
  • Change to the instance-specific bin directory.
  • Stop the Content Management Server:
    ./rc.npsd stop CM
  • If you use the Rails Connector: Remove the Rails database tables using the following command:
    ./CM -unrailsify
  • To restore the dump, execute the following command (the parameters are described below):
    ./CM -restore dumpDir [resume] [-sysConfig none | partial | full]
  • If you use the Rails Connector: Generate the Rails database tables using the following command:
    ./CM -railsify
  • Start the Content Management Server:
    ./rc.npsd start CM

Please specify as dumpDir the directory in which the CMS data was saved. A relative path refers to the current directory. Using resume, an interrupted restoration process can be continued.

By means of the optional argument -sysConfig, you can determine the type of system configuration data to be imported. Use one of the following three keywords for this:

  • none: The system configuration is not restored.
  • partial: All configuration entries except the following ones, which are related to the server configuration, are restored from the dump:
    • server, tuning, portal, export.incrementalUpdate, export.charsetMap, export.charset, export.exportAbsolutePaths, export.absoluteFsPathPrefix, export.absoluteUrlPrefix, export.abortOnError, export.validDateTimeOutputFormats, export.guiUrl, export.writeLiveServerReadPerms, indexing, gui.dynamicPreviewUrl, gui.dynamicPreviewDirectory, gui.fontFamily, gui.fontSize, gui.webDav, userManagement.editorial,
  • full: The saved system configuration is restored completely.

The default sysConfig mode is partial.

The restoration process is interactive. If you are restoring data into a newer version of the CMS (only up to version 6.5.0, later versions use in-place migration instead of dump and restore) some field names might have become reserved keywords in the new version. The Content Manager will ask you in such cases to enter new names for the fields concerned. All references to the names concerned will be updated, except when they are located in Tcl scripts. Apart from the names beginning with a digit, the following names are invalid:

  • anchors, archivedContentIds, blob, blobLength, body, bodyTemplateName, channels, children, codeForActionPreview, codeForPreview, codeForSourceView, codeForThumbnail, contentIds, contentType, createNewsItem, displayTitle, editor, encodedBlob, encodedExportBlob, exportBlob, exportCharset, exportFiles, exportMimeType, externalAttributes, externalAttrNames, externalAttrTypeDict, frameNames, freeLinks, getKeys, hasChildren, hasSuperLinks, height, id, isCommitted, isComplete, isEdited, isReleased, isRoot, lastChanged, linkListAttributes, mimeType, name, next, nextEditGroup, nextSignGroup, noPermissionLiveServerRead, objClass, objectId, objectsToRoot, objType, parent, path, permissionCreateChildren, permissionLiveServerRead, permissionRead, permissionRoot, permissionWrite, prefixPath, previous, reasonsForIncompleteState, releasedVersions, setKeys, signatureAttrNames, sortValue, subLinks, superLinks, superObjects, suppressExport, textLinks, thumbnail, title, toclist, validControlActionKeys, validCreateObjClasses, validFrom, validObjClasses, validPermissions, validSortKeys, validSortOrders, validSortTypes, validUntil, version, visibleExportTemplates, visibleName, visiblePath, width, workflow, workflowComment, workflowName, xmlBlob.

Attention: When fully restoring a dump to a Content Management Server, all the changes made intermediately to the system configuration will be overwritten.

Resuming an Interrupted Restoration Process

If, for example, the restoration process was cancelled because of insufficient hard disk space, it can be resumed with the following command:

CM -restore dumpDir resume