

The contents of this element is displayed if and only if the user logged into the portal (or the default user, if nobody is logged in) is a member of at least one of the specified groups. The contents of the element is also displayed if no group has been specified. By means of negate="true" this condition can be reversed, meaning that the page is only displayed if groups have been specified and the user is not a member of any of these groups.


<npspm showIfMember="group1|...|groupN" [negate="negateFlag"]> ... </npspm>

As group1 to groupN group names delimited by vertical bar characters can be specified. It is also possible to specify no group at all. negateFlag can be set to true, yes, on, 1 (for true), or false, no, off, 0 (for false). The negate attribute is optional.


<npspm showIfMember="users|admins">
  You are a member of the "users" or "admins" group or of both groups!
  <npspm showIfMember="users" negate="true">
    You are no member of the "users", therefore you must be an admin!