Important Notes on Upgrading

Changed System Requirements

With CMS Fiona 6.7.3, the officially supported Linux platform is Suse Linux Enterprise (SLES) 11 SP 1. For further information regarding the system requirements please refer to the corresponding installation documentation.

Rails Connector for CMS Fiona

Changeover to Rails 3

From version 6.7.3, the Rails Connector for CMS Fiona is based on Rails 3. Existing Rails applications making use of the Rails Connector need to be updated to Rails 3 to make them compatible with Rails Connector 6.7.3. For information about Rails 3 and about upgrading Rails applications from Rails 2 to Rails 3, please refer to the Rails 3 release notes.

After a Rails 2 application has been updated to Rails 3, the Rails Connector can be upgraded to version 6.7.3.

Changed XSendFile activation

Due to the changeover to Rails 3, the Rails Connector configuration setting


no longer exists. Instead, XSendFile can now be activated directly in Rails 3. With Apache webserver, for example, XSendFile is activated as follows:

# environment.rb
config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile"

Rails 3 automatically activates the use of XSendFile for the production environment (and only this one) of new Rails 3 applications. When updating a Rails 2 application to Rails 3, all environments should be verified with respect to the desired XSendFile setting.

Rails Connector and its addons merged

Up to version 6.7.2, the Rails Connector and the Rails Connector Addons were delivered as two separate gems. From version 6.7.3, there is only one gem that includes all the available functionality (except the OMC Connector).

Changed parameters in the search module

The method find_with_ses (module RailsConnector::SES::Obj::ClassMethods) now issues a SearchRequest internally. The meaning of the parameters change accordingly.

Changed usage of the form_for helper

The form_for helper generates forms for contact persons stored in the Online Marketing Cockpit. If a form includes account or location fields, please replace the helper call as shown below. Otherwise, the account and location fields will not be saved.

# Previous calling scheme of the helper
form_for :user do |f| ... 

# New calling scheme of the helper
form_for @user, :as => :user do |f| ...

Error pages no longer displayed via the layout

The error pages displayed for the HTTP status codes 403 and 410 are no longer displayed via the layout but, as a default, via the controller. For existing error pages to be displayed correctly, the controller concerned needs to be adapted. For further information please refer to the Rails Connector documentation and the RDoc documentation for the CmsAccessible module, which is part of the Rails Connector.

Selecting the controller in Rails applications using the Rails Connector for Fiona

From version 6.7.3, dedicated controllers for specific CMS file formats can be defined. Please note that, when generating internal URLs, the Controller should not be specified directly in the code since the format of the referenced file might change. Instead, please use the cms_path and cms_url methods provided by the Rails Connector. This mainly applies to calls to the url_for, redirect_to, and link_to Rails methods. An example:

# This code might not work as desired:
redirect_to :controller => "cms", :id =>

# This code will work as expected:
redirect_to cms_path(@target_obj)

Changed configuration setting for RSS folder

The Rails Connector’s configuration setting for the folder whose files become RSS entries has been changed. Instead of specifying the folder directly, a lambda needs to be given now. Example:

# [previously]
RailsConnector::Configuration::Rss.root = NamedLink.get("rss")

# [now]
RailsConnector::Configuration::Rss.root = lambda { NamedLink.get("rss") } 

adaptable date/time formats

The Rails Connector now uses the date/time formats defined in the Rails application for displaying the values of date/time fields of CMS files. These formats can be adapted as desired.

Bundler for resolving gem dependencies

The Playland sample application now uses Bundler for gem version management. Bundler resolves gem dependencies already during development. It ensures that the Rails application uses the required versions, even if other versions of the same gems are installed. We recommend to use Bundler in new projects.

General Notes

Changed configuration directive in mod_xsendfile

Please note that when using the Apache HTTP Server module mod_xsendfile, the configuration directive XSendFileAllowAbove was replaced with XSendFilePath as of version 0.10.