Editing Contact Persons

To edit a contact person’s data, please first locate the person (e.g. by searching for her using the Contacts main page). Then, in the person’s details view, click the Edit button.

Edit a contact person

Here, you can modify the fields of the contact person, and – in the bottom part of the page – change her assignment to collections, which can be used for various purposes (e.g. as newsletter subscribers lists).

For contact persons the following fields are mandatory and therefore must be filled-in when creating a person: Last name, gender, and language.

By means of of the Replaced by input field you can specify a successor, in case the person has left the company. The successor’s contact data is then displayed on the person’s details view.

Please note that the administrator can define any number of additional fields for contact persons. These fields can be edited just like the fields built into the OMC.

Finally, click Update to store the changes you made.